SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

another eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasy victroy



I can describe your tone earlier on and later on if you want to adapt.

I really donā€™t think there was a shift ā€“ the only change was me actually gaining WiM to play.

I was tinfoiling that it was you,Jane, and UT or some crap like that. I just second guessed myself

Lol do you wanna learn how your tone shifted?

Slide into my DMs.

Cool game, glad I didnā€™t join, modkill really sucks and if it hasnā€™t already I would say it should be declared no contest for RL (besides crich)

also sucks that blizer couldnā€™t be d2 exed because lolseth


No contest doesnā€™t mean cult didnā€™t win

cult deserved the win, and did

but due to circumstances outside of their control, the regal lions had a significantly reduced chance of winning and I would argue that this should not count as a loss for them (Except for Crichard of course)

I mean it sounded like a fun thing to do in this FM, because many people were talking about alts and theyā€™re uses and purposes, and I just kinda wanted to see it. Though admittedly I gave up on my act like day 2ā€¦
Also I didnā€™t realize I was this obvious from signup threads

Phewā€¦ finally caught up with both Dead and Spec chat. Both were good reads.

obviously becoming cult made you want to play more

Anyway, I did it!

I randed Wolf again :partying_face: !



Town roles are still fun, but almost never rolling scum is just getting annoying

And it only took like 7 months!

Yeah, I get it.

But youā€™ll roll wolf again if you keep joining games (donā€™t overstress yourself though, donā€™t join too many).

I canā€™t even get converted to scum 9 times out of 10

like i have the opposite problem, id trade

I uh

im not so good at reading

I wonder if my tips things wouldve helped though