SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Well if you remember our conversation I actually wanted to roll either Chancellor or Devout Lord :eyes:

the attack of guy fieri happened some time late at night yesterday
and it has not stopped since

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Story of my life.

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CRich did.

The intent was that if you thought I was trying to signal, I was a wolf. It worked, but not the way I wanted.

Also I thought the way you suggested was way too risky but I donā€™t think anyone that got added to the bubble would bother to check.

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weā€™re all heading straight to hell with a detour to flavourtown

The thing is

You were not very present in thread

To the point I forgot you were there half the time

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but there are so many untested voices that donā€™t ever get the chance to play convert

trying to counter gortaā€™s push on Intensify was like

I was pretty confident they were an alt of Intensify, and them being an alt of Intensify explained all the weirdness with the newbie stuff

but I couldnā€™t say that

well ur not weaker :slight_smile: ur great, but doing those not standard converts of the same 3 people are the easiest way to confirm a convert as usually the conversion immunity stuff is on those three people

Donā€™t you mean




Dread it, Run from it, Flavortown still arrives


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To be fair, last time I tried a ā€œspicy unexpected convertā€ they were outed quickly.
I donā€™t think going for ā€œspicy convertsā€ is better than going for ā€œplayers who are great at leveraging previously obtained advantages.ā€

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Did you scumread me at any point of the game by the way.

yes, this is indeed anybody besides intensify

I remember how my oneiromancer announcements slowly became more lazy

And it ended with this :^)


I think the best converts are the converts who are capable of actively leading town into self-destruction and yeeting villagers. Iā€™m not saying you canā€™t do that, but Iā€™ve never seen you do that as wolf, so that might be why they didnā€™t convert you?

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This sure was an attempt to play on an alt

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Itā€™s not so much to do with skill, itā€™s that typically louder players are more useful to convert as they can force scum agenda down peoplesā€™ throats

that opening post by UT radiated Alt Energy lol