SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Also I’ll answer this as well.

most recent completed game


what did you learn from it

That hyperposting is actively harmful to the town, and that fluff immensely clogs ISOs making them hard to read.
Also I guess more of an observation than a thing I learned, but oftentimes town seems to rely on a few ‘centerpiece’ players and doesn’t really… try to explain their own stance? It’s not quite sheeping, but I’ve seen people say that they suspected someone but couldn’t explain why/doubted themselves.
So I’d like to ask everyone to try their best and express their opinions, because you might actually be right and catch something that the rest of us miss.

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Well… we’ve hit a roadblock
It appears no one has anything interesting right now, so I guess I will dissapear into the void for now.

There is not really much that could be interesting right now since we are so early game.

Even takes cannot be looked into too much since I doubt anyone feels any pressure yet alone enough to slip.

Haven’t played FoL (this is my first game), but my most recent game is a normal ToL game.

Neutrals randomly win for bizarre reasons.

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You’re totally new? Welcome to FoL! How are you planning to approach this game?

I feel like there’s a story here :upside_down_face:

Arete/Jane, what do you think about this post?

PKR, could you tell me as to how you approach the games usually? I.e., what is your gameplan: Hunt for scum or hunt for town?


Nothing much is happening right now.

It’s kinda boring.

Anyway, don’t take this as a sign to hyperpost, just like

try not to post too much filler when you could be producing content.


I’ve never really liked PKR’s openings.

Usually I can get a good read on him by EoD though.

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I just find it weird because while I agree that it’s hard to judge anyone early on, my first thoughts go to “There aren’t enough interactions/there’s no voting” instead of hoping that someone feels pressured and “slips”?
Which is why I want to hear how he plans to play this.


that is … certainly a post that exists

not sure how I missed it the first time

I want to say it’s wolfy but I think that’s partially just PKR’s personality, like, in DGADT he was like ‘well I COULD be a Jester’ and then … was town …


My approach to this game is to keep tabs on what everyone could be given their actions. And if what they say/do mismatch with my earlier assumptions, suspecting them.

Regarding my abilities, uhhh… I’ll figure that out myself.

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Yeah, I guess I’m just going to go to bed now since there’s not much happening.
Hopefully I wake up relatively early. You know the drill – ping me if you want to ask me something/want my opinion on something.

Also last but not least

Anstreim: Hyperposting is bad
Also Anstreim: image


I was going to say something about if it’s a cult game, but I don’t think it applies here

You don’t usually have to worry about the King early on

It does feel kind of odd, but we will see where it goes

I will be hit and miss for a while, but I am here. I have been experimenting with different openers lately and I don’t think I have the creativity for that this time

Oh right, kat is spectating this game.

Time to give them nightmares (assuming that thing actually sleeps) when they try to read me.

Clearly this is most optimally achieved by employing the forgotten howling strategy but with cats.

Odd eyes hypnotize

Stalking silent in the night

The cat hunts alone


have fun with this

Okay I should probably leave the thread before I go on a filler rampage.
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I was just finally relieved.
I was town and still suspected… in fact more than when I had been scum.
I lost faith and just mentally gave up, trying not to be lynched and just to be able to relax instead of stress the f out for a game.

I do not really have a “normal” approach I would say.
I like to try and be active, to try and be a main voice.
But whenever I get suspected, I end up getting into a corner and lose sight of what to do.
It is… difficult to express.

I know what that feeling is and I will hit or miss cooking for a day late fourth of July thing

Y’all can also expect me to be more active if we don’t hyperpost because my sleep schedule is better and I am on during the days now

My sleep schedule is close to non existent…
It is a joke really but means I do make some questionable plays due to sleep deprivation.