SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Why do you think I backtracked.

I was going to, I wanted Seth’s reads first.
But then after I was sent them, I decided to not send my reads and abandon it.

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Dude, why are you lying to them right now?

Sounds like mechanics to me

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I am not? What mechanics did I discuss?

Oh that… counts as mechanics?


UT decided to ISO people in our allies chat. I have no fucking clue why he’s lying about it.
Seth and UT talked about Seth’s ability for like 3 posts.

I repeat the question I asked before: What does this accomplish?
Like, what are you getting from this? Because I don’t really see any benefit in lying about what was done/was not done in Allies.

Also I really dislike this conversation because it as a whole feels like a pointless distraction.

Wazza, you never answered me – did Seth post his updated readlist or not?
Are you going to post yours any soon?

All Seth said was that he already had a readlist and I just linked Wazza Seth’s old readlist

…I’m getting massive “Prince claiming Mystic” vibes from this right now and I hate it.

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I kinda feel the same way but we can spare a few mins

Still early in the day

I’d still like to see reasoning for me being scum because 5 people have me super low on thier reads, some of them even have ONLY me as a read

but then no one has said why??


Is that all you got?

Call out the people by name rather than saying “5 people”

You keep repeating the same thing

I feel like scum knowing that we got nothing done would benefit them in some way. They would know that we don’t have any backup plans or anything discussed which means they could be more aggressive and pull off bigger plays and such. I don’t want scum pulling big plays since that messes with town’s general thinking and PoE.

He didn’t update it.

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I don’t want for this to turn into another Trial By Council derailment that brought nothing and should’ve been dropped after literally 3 posts.

Our reads across the court are basically the same.
Most of us lack SLs.
We shouldn’t be wasting time squabbling and lying about Allies and all this other nonsense, we should be trying to solve.

I asked people to reevaluate during EoD yesterday and it feels like barely any people did.
Can we stop this and instead think of a way to progress?

Also I’m cutting back on posting for real now.

Thinking of Gorta ^.^

Also Seth but he’s Lord so idc

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Actually, Wazza could you out your readlist now? Not sure why you held it back in Allies chat, but I think you can safely out it now

I mean

I dont see us getting a ton out of this until seth responds
Which is why i pinged him

Also squabbling about allies isnt nonsense? Seth picked horrible allies targets and i want his reasoning
I also want to know what he thinks happened in allies

We have plenty of time to spare and it happens to be the topic atm

If you want to focus on “trying to solve” then… try to solve?

Stop saying youre “going to cut back on posting for real now”
Just do it lmao

Nah, I’ve got far too many Nulls to show my readslist. That was a big factor in not sending it in Allies chat.