SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

To answer the first question: No, but it isn’t helping. You reminding me of someone I actively despise influences my read, but the read came first.

I don’t understand this post, but it looks very strange. Why are you speaking in poetry? Is this another site reference I’m failing to understand?

I don’t understand the buddying here. It partially being on Mode makes this less wolfy, but nonetheless it is weird.

I also highly dislike this type of read.

This buddying is not on the Lord, though.

Need I go on?

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It is a reference to “Forgotten Howling” poem/meme that was made by a player on this site before to signal the scumteam as a Lost Wolf.

Forgotten Howling.
A sad separated pack.
Is all my hope lost?

Hmm if I wish there was thread with this entire forum’s meme history… but there isn’t sadly


I thought it was a fake reason to scumread me, since you thinking I’m too confident in my reads implies you know I’m a villager. That doesn’t take away the fact that you think that though.

I can’t recall in what game exactly, but a member of the scumteam used a haiku to signal to the lost wolf (It’s a common thing on this site, lmao).

I thought it was obviously a joke but I kind of get it from a newbie (well, to this site)'s point of view.

It’s not buddying though? I just don’t want some stupid Butler to poison an obvious GK again.

Again, not buddying.


You already TMI’d me V with your first reason anyway.

/Vote EightySecond.

I sure hope that didn’t work.

It did.


I guess wolves just like discrediting my pushes on them with shade.

That isn’t the best defense

You aren’t actually Jaleb, are you?

I think that Jane is probably scum, considering that vote. Unless it’s that classic fallacy of
“Scumread somebody because they scumread you”

No, I am not.

But other wolves just tried this exact same tactic against me (and it worked when it shouldn’t have) in Joat9.

So yeah, begone.

unlike Jaleb Jane has never made one of my friends quit an entire site

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To your credit, this is the kind of push that comes from a wrong villager more often than a wolf.

Because most wolves don’t do pushes this weak and then fully justify it with “well it happened last game!”.

I don’t need to defend myself from a single vote.

jane’s play is really similar to joat9

earlier i wouldnt have said the same


How is it weak?

You literally TMI’d me V, and when I called you out for it, you tried to discredit me by calling it OMGUS.

You genuinely believe this is TMI?

A replacement is needed. Please DM me if you wish to replace in.



You can try to discredit me as much as you want.

I’m not going to let it work this time.

Even if it’s a single vote, I would still defend against a single vote.

What’s a TMI?

Too much information