SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Out of curiosity, have you done anything last night?
Simple yes or no answer is enough. I don’t want details.

you get a

bing bong bing bong


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also ask me for any reads you want me to make

tbe is here



feel bad for mode

i do think he scum purely off of his allies choices

back to eating toothpaste now :tooth: :adhesive_bandage: (paste adhesive get it)


hot take

I think that pick-4-player abil is actually good

I remember some discussion on that

but it doesnt lock out a groupscum lynch unless one of them openwolves

otherwise, you have to see how they react to not a RT of getting power, actually doing it

time to dip once more

I will read thread eventually

I think it has potential to be good if utilized properly.
If utilized improperly it’s -EV for us, and Seth is not the strongest player.

The Allies pick as well as his absence at EoD makes me doubt him but at the same time, read through his D1.
It doesn’t feel like usual scum Seth but there’s a chance his meta is just evolving.
So I’m somewhat torn on him right now.

only if the groupscum you want to exe is outed

otherwise one of them can just be like ‘I disagree on your read on [wolfy wolf], how about instead we compromise on [wolfy villager]’


This is correct… well, somewhat.
All it takes is someone being persistent enough and the lynch will not go on one person as it requires a unanimous decision, not just majority.

Coming to the conclusion it’s an openwolf stopping a wolf lynch is a bit too much of a jump as it could just be town refusing to lynch someone they read as town (or have info secretly that the person is town).

It is kinda a gambling game at that point if it’s a 3-1 decision. As motivation will be essential to draw any usable conclusions.

Meh maybe ahh… actually. Gonna go think about it I guess. Eighty’s “excellent” defense might be good then, but I’ll think about it

Gdi Arete, you literally beat me to it >.>
How many times does this happen to me…

Looking at the bystanders during that charade:


This text box is very hard to navigate so I’ll come to conclusions in a following post.

I would also encourage others to come to their own conclusions.

Hmmm interesting. Thank you for Eighty

Think that chloe chick is town

This is my way of saying that i cant do a lot rn but im skimmin n readin along


Erm, ok then. I feel like Centuries just popping in there and defending Jane, and then popping out is a little odd. But probably me stretching it

I like Centuries overall, but Centuries does do some odd things as any faction so that is NAI imo.
Could be wrong, yet that is my interpretation of Centuries Meta.