SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

This is exactly how I felt when I was looking at the reactions to my argument with Jane, as noted in post #1288.

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yes i said that afterwards as well

that i agreed with you and noticed it too

also i just wanna say that this isnt ā€œlook at my contrarian readsā€ its more of ā€œim scared of how good arete is as a player and i realize if im right im probably dead but fuck itā€

Hmm well I see then. But I wouldnā€™t exe Arete just yet. I want Arete to defend themselves first before we decided

That includes me as well if Arete is scum and my read on them is correct.
Welcome to my world.

Whaā€” WHAT. Ok I am sorry, but let me try to understand this. You are afraid of how much skill Arete has that you would think it is better to exe him right now???
Look, I understand that good players are scary sometimes, but seriously, this seems too extreme.

I think your other reasonings were fine, but this seems a little dumb.

Youā€™re misunderstanding

Im scared to push a good player because i know they can usually get out of it
So i need to be confident
And if im right
I probably die for it


Ok goodā€¦
You scared me there, I thought you went crazy or something

Idk why but when I look at the Arete slot, I cannot help but read them as town.
I could be wrong but justā€¦ I can see where others have come from here and disagree in the end.

Im curious as to why.

Other opinions are gouda

you donā€™t believe this read

why are you making reads that you donā€™t believe in

my reads

besides the reads in the folder ā€¦ 82 is trending upwards, I felt like I mindmelded with that slot some today, and Jane has gone from ā€˜eh probably town I guessā€™ to ā€˜very likely townā€™ (although thatā€™s partially mechanics)

also apparently I never explicitly said this but I think CRich is probably a villager (not that thatā€™s particularly controversial :upside_down_face:)

this is a serious question

/unvote Arete

i basically just bandwagoned there to pressure them.

I do believe this read lmfaoo

At worst Arete is a neutral and we need group scum and NK out, not neutrals.

no you donā€™t

So by this logic Iā€™m town or trensing upwards too?

I had the same conclusion on Jane


I do

It is my read
I believe in it

Why do you think Chloe doesnā€™t believe in her read?

Why are you so sure that Arete is not Unseen or Cult, and specifically not NK if they are a neutral?