SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

NK hunting this early is so stupid

NK has no TMI, and will probably be within your townreads

Groupscum gives us interactions to work with
and tells us what kinda game (unseen/cult) we are playin
NK gives nada


Ok ok now we move on the public in that case, SPEAK NOW. IF YOU WANT TO PROPOSE SOMEONE TO LONCH.

Yeah but I thought that NK is best because it is -KP for scum overall and getting rid of scum just means they get a replacement.

My apologies if I am getting things twisted but if we can slow game by getting rid of NK, we can literally just keep checking for scum and win by default that way maybe.



Ok really

If this is Unseen game, they might know who the NK is because of the missing night kill.

My candidates (other than Seth):

Jane - Heā€™s acting a little bitā€¦ scummy.

Centuries - Same (or rather, acted d1)

Tell him if you want anything on this list.


How are you imagining that you would go about finding someone who is exactly the NK, and not some other form of scum

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Why are we discussing nightkills now? Jezuz we are trying to find prime candidate for execution

So if we vote out the NK, keep an eye on who doesnā€™t vote them out. They might have wanted NK alive for night kills at first.

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ive decided that im making unofficial VCs because nobody can stop me

Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
Emilia TheBlueElixir 1/10
Wazza Emilia, Arete 2/10
ModeShifter PokemonKidRyan 1/10
Arete Chloe 1/10

I believe this is what we were at
and i think we continue to do this

I realize this completely negates the point of Trial by Council, and like, sorry Amelia

But fuck that


This is not possible.
Jane is on our council.
I think.

Whoops. Then just centuries.

Hmm Centuries?
Ok maybe

People who do not seem like they have any team motivation and are just out for themselves.

blizer or wazza

explained wazza before

blizer has reads has been really hedgy

imo lynching king D2 is bad play

blizer reads*

wait no thats illegal u cant kill me

Isnā€™t Blizer the one who barely posted?


heck this read

no wonder arete used an alt

obvious softing isnt exactly new

but yes, you have other points, that I may address if I ISO Arete and think something else



hate to say it, but i dont hate it

maybe a bit early though

these are some good picks too tbh

we. only. push. EK. if. we. are. sure. its. cult.

Cult King can convert

but we shouldnt push Unseen king, its just not worth the time

there was none, because I dropped it

but I like app/emelia slot by itself


but getting MM really deals a blow

and they still have another night to wait, so they would spend 2 nights(if n1 convert worked) with a man down, possibly two if we get another

and if its cult its still a matter of lowering their numbers

NK is good and all butā€¦NK hunting d2 is a bit difficult

mech PoEing them is best

not that it matters, but id like to know what people had against math too