SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!


dumb read

TBE/Emilia arenā€™t W/W because in W/W worlds TBE doesnā€™t correct Mode to a spelling of Emiliaā€™s name thatā€™s still wrong

Out of curiosity, can you explain why you read me so poorly?

Is it because Iā€™m bashing on your skill level?


less dumb read: TBE/Emilia arenā€™t W/W because Emilia is town


I know im one of the two but I dont think weā€™re V/W either because Emilia is probably town and I happen to know what i am

Yeah I recently just changed your Position in Notepads just now.

Your higher then that

Itā€™s because I havenā€™t liked your posting at all Day 1.
TBF though I havenā€™t read any of it this Day.


might I ask your though process of using the 4-player-decide-the-day thing?

you didnt just use it on weak players either


I need that sign

if I had that sign Iā€™d just constantly wave it at myself

I fear Iā€™m being too harsh to the Lord.

But if youā€™re not reading the game, why are you posting full readlists?!

dumb but probably valid

Am I the only one who thinks this sort of post comes from a town PoV?
Unless he is good enough to imitate town as a newbie wolf, weā€™re looking at a townie slot here.

Iā€™m not a newbie, so reading me like one probably isnā€™t in your best interests.

I also donā€™t think me criticizing somebody for posting readlists when theyā€™re not reading the thread is villager indicative either, but thatā€™s more of an opinion than an objective fact.

I have been reading but not as much as I should be.
Yes Iā€™ll admit that.

Thing I love as King/Lord is the ability to get people into 1V1 Interactions via Allies.

Thereā€™s no shame in excluding people you havenā€™t read up on from your lists.

Thatā€™s not how my list works.