SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Macro confuses me

I feel like ive provided a macro case - it feels like theyre just
on the sidelines
watching shit happen
and they pop in every once-in-a-while to say things that dont lead anywhere - and dont make conclusions after asking questions


Other reasons I thought you were going off of

and some ‘meta bad’

admittedly I thought there was more here

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The real me says meta bad. The fake me says meta bad. Conclusion: Meta bad unless on very specific people

yes im going off of those too

but we agree on that one take

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After trying to gimmick tbe’s slot by reading the previous person:

  • Math didn’t fall into the traps I would expect new scum to do (mainly regarding tmi and stilted reads)
  • Extreme hedge but is justified by being new player

so, kinda nulltown

How experienced is Emilia
And is their posting style normal to how they normally play?


executioner has no penalty upon hitting town besides wasting time(and possibly a town’s life)

unless they were to make it to endgame, they prob wont run out of uses

…I mean, I’d actually say the executioner should ahem executionate

its rather early, yes

but I think I’d like it, with the main penalty being we lose a town if arete is town, which is a world I dont believe in enough to support it

Oh wait executioner has no penalty I forgot huh

point me to math’s
‘extreme hedge’ please

as far as I know, they havent played in months/years

its their entire ISO

Correct Executioner has no guilt here.

Something about that… seems very unbalanced

Immoral executioner

i just had to make that joke im sorry

literally everything they posted
but I’ll pull out the highlight post

why is that scum over disinterested townie
defaulting to trying to clear yourself mechanically makes sense in disinterested arete world

I found only 3 hedges


find me whats so wrong about it

(yes, I know 3 hedges in 20 posts are bad but really, its getting worked up)



the things you probably think are hedges but arent(besides maybe the first one)

making a correction
I think math doesn’t have tmi
because lolsk

They seemed alone in thread. I ruled out Maths now TBE as group scum D1 because of that.


well we’re not NK(using ‘we’ correctly now), but ill take not TMI :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:

your one of the 4 right?

it requires unanimous to hammer and thats not going to happen soon

so you can pressure vote peeps

a disinterested townie should still
try to act townie?

If you’re going to ask questions, make sure people answer them - and tell us what you get out of those questions
If you’re going to stand on the sidelines, at least pop-in with things that further threadstate, and spark conversation

But i do see your point now - I just see it as less likely