SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

ans were you converted

I need tea

My brain isnt working rn and i feel like a dumbass

It’d involve me claiming. Still want me to?

OHHHH interesting, let’s see this


youve already claimed now

theres only 1 class

I don’t want you to claim unless you have a redcheck.
And I know I’m not converted so it would be beneficial not to claim?

Is your suspicion only backed up by mech.

One class huh?

it is called clockmaker

Totally not looking through all the classes right now cause I don’t know which one it is

Well, you see…
PsychoKang the Stargazer

Day one: Conjour Cosmolight
Night one: Cosmolight on Anstreim. Visited by Special and Support classes.

The only Regal Lion special clacss that could have visited you is me.
The only other special class besides MM/CL is actually Cabalist, and I doubt he visited you.

Don’t claim plz

I read it, but people wanted me to claim if i got a “redcheck” and I’m sure this counts.

Let me ask Amelia something.

Did… did you just claim.

Hmm I also too want to ask Amelia something. I wonder if we are thinking the same Ans

Anyways, I can take care of it on my own, as I have already conjured Falling Star.

oh there is another

The text is… really confusing. I was expecting an exact class, or maybe an observer overlook. But nope.


Im not claiming

But i have reason to believe Ans is NOT converted

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