SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I want for people who aren’t present yet to be here before we decide on the massclaim.
@CRichard564 @an_gorta_pratai @Emilia

TL;DR: Town is always correct.

very wise words, Jane.
/vote Jane

Also daily (hourly) reminder to not throw your votes around since Fiddler is still a possibility – even if a slim one.
Vote with intention to execute.

And I am telling you: Because we don’t want Arete dead, we need to protect him, and thereby we will lose at least one protection to save Arete that we could’ve used to save someone else. I have been spouting my logic about this matter, and I DO apologize for clogging the thread, but Arete IS the bigger threat!

ok holy god reads

gorta - idk he kinda dipped but then no one ever listens to him but he’s probably town anyway
jane - wtf jane has tmi on my slot and tried to lynch me early and now ans call jane out for scum??
wazza - the only way he’s scum from my pov is that he and emilia are epic scummates and he is the scum role that redirects people but i wasnt roleblocked either so idk but probably town
Blizer - zone is dying but maybe zone town lmao
centuries - me town investigative yes
CRich - good i think?
highway - probably scum?
emilia - I don’t know but I got a check on her so I gotta wait for claim
UT - weird maybe scum i could see it happen
Ans - Starting town but then now :shrug:
Arete: lol arete
Seth: lol seth

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Zone… leave this for now. TRUST ME. When I claim, you will not want Arete dead

What’s a Fiddler?

How are you not concerned with the ever-growing time bomb?

Excuse me what.

ok maybe im twisting your read on them a little :^)

Fiddler is basically fool on steroids.
They need to see 2/3 of the votes on them or be at L1


me/wazza/emilia being maybe scum is like

super lame

…FINE. I will wait until you claim and if your claim fails to convince me why Arete shouldn’t die, then I will tunnel you for the rest of the game afterwards. (I.e. after Arete dies.)


Thank you Zone

Uh, Jane was in my top 5 last night.
You were in nulls.

I’ve been TRing Jane since D1 even though they’ve somewhat dropped on D3, but like I said:


I am back


well who is scum then


sounds way too lame of a poe for me

ur tr this anyway so its like

super small

Wazza getting really upset about Jane doing NKA and concluding that Wazza is more sus, because it’s implying that town is always right, is laughably disingenuous in that it completely ignores the context of Jane’s post

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Zone is Zone


people who died at night … usually died for a reason …

