SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

That was a jokepost (reference to Vulgard opening in WoW BFA)


but it isn’t, still think it’s dumb to read me on meta and to just not care about my slot in this game

like all the people who dont like me are either

No reasoning (probably parotting better players)

or using meta

I’d like if people read my play because I made a rebutttal of blizer’s meta point on me and there’s like nothing against me except “tone gut whatever” but I can’t fight that, if you gut read me as scum you can do so but thats so dumb

(post is good otherwise)

(doesn’t mean I like giga TR you for it because it’s quite lenghty compared to your average post in other games which even if its catchup iso could show some form of tmi)

So from what I’ve been getting from the posts so far:

My analysis of first 6-7 hours of d1

Myself - Silent guy who suddenly decided to try and read people even though he is utterly horrible at it. Slightly meread

Instascum (Too litle to say anything about Arete.)

Anstreim - Passive for now, too little to say.

Eighty - Unsure. Seems to be new-ish?

Blizer - Attempted to metaread Centuries aggresively. Kind of unsure on purpose and result. Leaning towards town for now.

Psycho - New. Unsure.

Unknown - Weird slip-ups (Cent and him not GS, Seth backing off and him saying it was because he was probably evil.) Otherwise good thinking and actions. For now assuming an uncertain stance towards him.

Centuries - Getting a tad aggressive on accusations against them.

Chloe - Shooting down bad logic and attempting to get people on board. Overall good, leaning towards town for now.

A_g_p - Not sure.

Apprentice - Weird opener

Wazza - Too little to say.

Jane - Slightly confusing. Not sure if this is his personality or not, but assuming it is as no one is commenting on this.

Seth - Assuming he is evil for now. His actions in the beginning were uninformed (or masked as uninformed for evil purposes), thus making it NAI, but him constantly baiting PKR into a long hyperposting act isn’t exactly good.

PKR - Getting incensed over Seth’s provocation makes me unsure of him, but I’m leaning towards town for now.

Highway - Weird introduction, but letting it slide. Uncertain for now.

CRichard - Detailed analysis of what happened while they were away. Leaning town for now.

Contains a lot of “for-now’s”
(I realized I was inactive for most of today as I had nothing to really add…)

So, I wonder if much has happened while I was away.
From first looks, it seems like it mostly is short discussion about reads and a lot of response posts.
I like it.

True though this starting post here seems NAI.

Sorry I couldn’t stop your jettison PKR. At least my refusal to vote you up in DGADT means I’m not to blame for that.

Perhaps I’m guilty of relying on meta too soon here, though I’m starting to get town pings from PKR starting here.

They’re weird to some people, though to me I think they aren’t too bad.

Asks Chloe who they’d vote up today if D1 execution were a thing. Not sure about the attempting pre-flip here, though eh.

I do agree Seth’s slot is making my eyebrows go up, though I’d leave him for last. Evil King should never be 1st priority for town to kill off, unless they’re derailing the thread enough that it’s making it hard to scum hunt.

That’s one way to go about things. I would advise PKR not to rely solely on self meta if you want people to trust your slot more.

Well he’s focusing on Seth because of their reasons. I’ll ask PKR about what is it about Seth’s slot that’s tripping alarms in their mind.

I can answer this question for PKR. I find Seth easy to read meta wise and when he’s town, he makes sensible observations which I find myself agreeing with. DGADT is a good example of this.

Mech talk which is NAI.

If you want to. Still lets leave the Lord alone and focus on group scum and NK first.

I guess Traveler is saying weird stuff as expected from a newbie. Though why he’d think Seth noticed he was “probably scum” doesn’t sound like something a townie would say.

Still butting heads with Seth. Need I say more?

Getting slight town pings from Chloe too. Though Chloe is a capable wolf, look at WoW FM for a recent example. My advice is not to clear Chloe from D1 reads.

Is it me or does this post scream town PKR? I don’t see wolf PKR making this sort of post.

Take a walk PKR if you’re frustrated. The last thing we need is people getting banned while the game is ongoing.

Here PKR explains why they like Chloe’s so far. Though again don’t clear Chloe from D1 reads.

I shouldn’t pre flip these two slots, though I’ll be shocked if this isn’t town vs town we’re seeing here.

Conclusion: PKR is probably a townie getting frustrated with how Seth is acting so far.
@PokemonKidRyan take a break from the thread if you’re reading this.
We don’t want any more bans if we can help it.

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As much as Seth is making alarms go off in my mind, he should never be a first priority.
If all the scum are dead and the game is ongoing then we unseat him.
Same as ToL. King or in this game the Lord shouldn’t be first priority when scum hunting.

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I’m not new.

I’ve played FM for about 14 months, primarily on MU but a little bit on MC as well.

No real conclusions on any of these thoughts., either.

On a different note – are these posts from CRichard usual for him? I don’t fully agree on a lot of their thought process but I think that slot is probably a villager at a glance.

I’d say no

this ^^^^

I am frustrated with him in a lot of games recently.
Like, we go heads on quite a bit.
But meh, I will try and chill… aint easy, let me tell you that.
I stay… mostly non toxic and polite.
As there are many other players.

This amount of analysis without being pressured at all usually comes from a villager.

If this is unheard of from him, it could be an attempt to overcompensate, but I’d have to read more of their games to give you a specific “CRichard564 is a villager” read as opposed to a “The posts coming from CRichard564’s slot are posts that are villager AI.”

And I don’t fully intend on doing a full meta dive on somebody I townread on Day 1. Especially with no D1 Lynch.

Been reading through EightySecond and while this might be odd reasoning, their posts indicate they can’t be starting group scum.

In case eightysecond hasn’t seen my posts, no Evil King/Lord should never be first priority. They’re only a problem if scum are still in the game.

Look at this post. Doesn’t this sound like something I’d expect EightySecond to ask in scum chat?
Yet they’re asking it here in the main thread.

Interesting take on PKR/Seth. Original thinking too gives me town pings from this slot.

You read through people’s posts and try to discern if the posts make sense more from a town or scum PoV. Mech information is limited in SFoL and therefore social deduction becomes more important than compared to ToL.

I quite like how they’re approaching this game as a newbie. Perhaps this slot isn’t so new to social deduction games.

Perhaps Jane is being weird. Though I doubt this is something a newb wolf would say here.
They’re also alone in thread. Hello townie.

I find my self agreeing with people that Seth’s slot is … odd to say the least.
Which should be a good sign here so I can begin to see who should be town cored later in game.

Astute observations so far.

Conclusion: EightySecond is probably a villager here. Their ISO is obvious town from a glance.

I’m unsure on Centuries, Apprentice and Jane, just some observations I jotted down while re-reading the thread. Mostly forgot to add a conclusion

@EightySecond is this your first time playing social deduction games?
You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.

Still I’d take a break from the thread if I were you.
Lets not get banned please. :slight_smile:

Doesn’t appear so. I thought this due to his some of his posts earlier in the thread. (something about jotting things down and asking for details from chloe)

[quote=“mathmods, post:537, topic:82666, full:true”]

Well that answers my question.

Going through Psycho Kang and he doesn’t sound like he’s being coached from scum chat.

Quite a few people on the Seth is suspicious wagon including me.
I have a feeling that everyone who suspects Seth isn’t scum as this seems to be genuine and unforced based on observations about Seth.

A question that would have been answered by his scum buddies if he were scum.

Again he seems alone asking these questions. No way do his posts come from a group scum perspective. At worst this is a neutral we’re seeing here.

Conclusion: PsychoKang is a slight town lean, though I’m willing to suspect he’s a neutral here.

Hello I am back, and thank god some people started posting readlists.

If my reads are correct, then the slots who are not group scum are PKR, Centuries, Blizer, Eightysecond and Psycho Kang.

Also what’s with ModeShifter putting me as highest town? I don’t get this. I thought I was pretty suspicious myself with some bad posts in my opinions.