SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Also on PK, going down his ISO:

@EliThePsycho Could you please elaborate as to why you view that suspicious?
Also, is it the only reason you SL Seth? You said you think he is possibly EK afterwards:

The posts where he says that he has no reads are NAI to be honest, I could see newbie groupscum or newbie town claiming that they don’t have reads for several different reasons.

Response to Apprentice’s theory seems fine:

Although I’m curious why he felt the need to respond to it.
Still, it doesn’t seem strained to me.

Readlist that was posted later is actually a somewhat good look imo, even if it contradicts his earlier claim that he has no reads.
I feel like newbie groupscum would probably be more hesitant to post their opinions like this, even if I don’t fully agree with most of them:

And after that there’s not much. Like I said, this is in the upper nulls for me because I somewhat liked the fact that he posted his reads, but I want more from his slot.

Anticlaim still very much exists.
Just don’t claim unless you are about to be lynched, imo.

Well, we can’t know for sure since it’s not guaranteed.
But the setup has it.



I have read the thread but most of it was in, like, bits and pieces some of them at a family gathering when I couldn’t effectively respond

and I didn’t, like, mark down posts I wanted to respond to

so instead you’re going to get random takes

also if anyone wants to publicly commit to visiting me tonight that would be cool

how confirming it is depends on the game type but it’s at least mostly confirming in either as far as I can tell

this is not a hardclaim

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both highways have some posts that feel like they were put through a Make This Post Sound Like It Was Written By Arete program and it’s weird

I don’t think it’s AI it’s just weird

Jane feels alone in the thread

probably non-groupscum?

doesn’t necessarily preclude scum but

clearing the people who present as newbies for not knowing a specific mechanical detail because ‘they would ask in scumchat’ is overrated

which is not to say I don’t overuse that sort of read, but

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Aside from that, any strong opinions on them both?
So far I find myself TLing them and it does feel like they are playing somewhat similarly.

Ans’s posts don’t feel like he’s suffering so he’s probably town

although idk how he’d feel about randing scum with an experienced partner, maybe that would be less suffering

this read brought to you by team ‘I want to believe Ans is town therefore he is’

my read on them is somewhat made more difficult by the fact that I keep forgetting which is which apart from the one with 3 digits having more threadstate reads

This is… a take.
I wouldn’t say that my posts in 61.5 where I randed scum read like I was suffering? Although I do think that I’ve made a few AI posts this match.

I don’t actually have any idea how to read you so I’m mostly going based off of my experience with being your partner


I misread you pre-conversion and there wasn’t a single obvious thing I can point to as the Reason Why, I had you as town even before the bus

so at this point I’m guessing at what I think might be vaguely AI

Alright, me aside.
What are your thoughts on Seth? Also, you say Jane feels alone in the thread – do you think none of their posts are AI on their own?

I know I kind of insinuated earlier that I’d give a lot of reads earlier today, but it turns out that when I tried to do so I ended up looking at a list primarily with nulls. So I think I’ll refine and reevaluate that overnight, since I likely will not be awake before 9AM.

It seemed like Anstreim was curious on my conclusion on them as a result of our interaction earlier, when I initially thought they were a WW veteran I was pretty sure they were wolfing, but the more I kept probing them, their responses seemed respectably villagery.

I believe I saw you play during Champs (unless that was a different Arete!) but I don’t recall having such a program on my laptop!

I’m kinda curious about Seth’s TR on Unknown and the amount of time it took me to pester him to give his reason for that read.
But like I said before he doesn’t quite feel the same way as he did when he randed scum King in 61, and he’s one of the few people that can be more or less read on meta.
So hell knows.

everything he’s done is anti-town but for ~meta reasons~ he’s probably town anyway

also he’s the Lord and reads on the Lord are mostly irrelevant

probably some of them are AI but I mostly just remember there being a massive argument about them calling one of Mode’s interactions non-W/W where they felt super alone

I don’t think that post in itself is massively AI, I see people doing alignment reads on the King that ignore the fact that an EK wouldn’t know partners all the time

if you can’t tell I didn’t, like, go back and re-read people’s posts before starting to put random thoughts in the game thread

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same Arete


have we played together on MU, I’ve played a few games there even outside champs

not asking you to out your MU username to be clear

Did you initially reach that conclusion purely because of my ‘weird’ answer to Unknown’s question?
Still find it kinda strange because I think my intent behind answering the way I answered was more or less obvious.

Also, any other reads that you feel more or less confident in? Stance on Jane?