SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

uh, Leafia just scumslipped and YBW claimed a redcheck on Cheeki

I can write a poem but the problem is that yeeting the BC just gives Thieves an extra day which is weh.

ybw check is entirely believable given how they played SoD
inclined to believe them for now?

can someone point out the slip

Bureaucrat is scum
We need to kill them as well
/vote leafia

(except not really lmao)

Leafia is claiming parity cop with a result N1.

read this @Nightingale

I didn’t compare the two of you. Also, RT over. I wanted to see how people would react if I made a claim that was blatantly impossible and see if people would try to defend me. My role claim is true though. My actions aren’t.

so leafie did a legitimate slip and not what i usually see when people say “slip xd xd xd”
cool but also kind of sadge

I actually used Rumor on Marl right after he hard claimed Adventurer.

I want leafia dead now, but I want cheeki dead more
so if someone could vig leafia thatd be great

It was an RT.

i’d like you to say which of YBW’s posts at SoD indicate he had a redcheck
because I see the exact opposite

can’t tell if Leafia upped her town game or if she upped her scum game lol

You’re literally vigging your landlady if you vig me.

out of context, “vigging your landlady” is pretty funny ngl


fair enough
i should probably re-read it at some point to solve your alignment
but not now

if ur still claiming landlady i’m slightly less inclined to believe it tho

It looks too scummy to be an RT

I trusted you a lot, like u were one of my highest town reads
but like cmon
thats not an RT

I also want to see how people react now that I’ve revealed that it was a RT. Scum are more likely to continue trying to push me I feel.

So what is your actual action then?

YBW’s redcheck came desperately when marl pressed for a claim, nothing preceding it pinged me as a villager with a redcheck, especially considering he disappeared until marl pushed