SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

You think survival is AI for me as Chief? Really?

tbh I think anyone of either alignment should be looking at them both as potential scum at this point

this is literally how anyone would try to survive tbh
I do agree the CFD call onto YBW looks fishy, though.

mindmeld lol

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Very fishy. I just can’t see a GK doing that when they already agreed that yeeting them is best.

Oh I’m sorry…, I can’t push people who I think I’m scum?


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Pushing a scumlean over what you think is best for the town?

But Drug Dealer is more important than a GK no?

Ok so…

I think someone is scum…

Why aren’t I allowed to push them exactly?

but this is a last-ditch effort to try to survive that can come from either alignment, can’t it?

We don’t have any idea on who the drug dealer is currently.

ftr I don’t think YBW is drug dealer, it’s more likely Pug

We get rid of Pug then

/vote Pug @Twil1ight

Not when they were totally fine with dying today earlier. Why the sudden shift?

It probably is tbh.

Just that fact he started trying surviving now that Pug was CFDed was wolfy.

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You REALLY expect us to hit the Drug Dealer today? lmao.

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all right, yeah lol
we can just yeet Intensify I guess

Oh what you believe Pug’s AtE?

Really… if you guys are so sure on not killing them. give me some reasoning other than “let’s wait for them to replace out”

Marl can shoot Pug tonight if you’re so sure that she’s drug dealer.