SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!


hard-claim not merchant?

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if arctic hard claims not merchant we’ll make him king

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why don’t you want merchant king anyway

If he hard claims this and tries to claim merchant later we’ll know he’s scum

The merchant is based but i want a blue dragon king

Playerlist is neutralphobic

better question
why would we want merchant king

Where is my bd king

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Wazza should definitely get town VIP status post game too. If not for him, we might’ve been in lylo today.

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I pushed the intensify wagon all day where is my credit :<
i was right!
acknowledge me senpai

Was arctic converted or something

Considering the “I want bd king” line

i think i should be king because i actually had a scumread on intensify which is why i started the wagon whereas everyone else just pushed it because it was mechanically optimal or something

not yet

plus i am cool

@Arctic hard claim not merchant and you’ll get king no contest


I’m dying tonight :slightly_smiling_face:

y tho