SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

one of the thief roles is occ/redirect immune iirc


/vote Cheeki @Twil1ight

now lemme read the thread

It did.
You guys weren’t partners.


I don’t get it really

thank you for your contribution to society

wait we have chief vote I forgot

hot take
leafia scum

Yes vote me i’m the adventurer

I don’t think we can vote until after elections and I think Light needs to be looked at closely.

now that is a spicy meatball


Isn’t it just a commute?

wanna elaborate on that one ETP

You’ll need to explain that one I’m afraid.

i think their posts are scummy.
let me pick out a few

It was a gut vote for pressure I forgot theres chief

they have 370 posts
ok cya in an hour i guess

why does your gut think cheeki is scum
i’m the lord of gut and even i can point out the posts that cause it


you can’t just say gut