SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

yeah sure i’ll sell you that

I can only see one of two possibilities. That Intensify wanted us to believe that you were a thief and to mislynch you today, or that you’re a thief. It all depends on how confident he was that he could get out of being lynched.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Once again, I literally just don’t know what he was doing. Like… did he expect me react exactly as I did? All I can say is that I probably wouldn’t have made the post like “We’re V/V or W/W probably” and wouldn’t have defended him so hard when he had such a high chance to flip.

Except if you really believed that he was a GC.


I’ll be having my eye on you. I’d really rather yeet Cheeki than you today to be honest because I think there’s a slim chance that you could still be town here.

I’m just gonna sheep you guys probably
I have no idea what’s going on anymore


vote me for king and sheep me and i will find every member of the scumteam just as i did with intensify

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a last resort defense

/vote light

I literally can’t even blame you

If you’re saying because of interactions with insanity or whatever like before Iv yet to look at those

Or any of his posts, really

can we even vote yet?
dont we have to pick chief first?


You can in FoL idk here

No defense even? Hmmm, I feel that a thief would at least have a defense honestly.

I literally just told you
i have no idea what’s going on
Like if someone else was in my position I’d be voting them

What’s that suppose to mean?[quote=“SirDerpsAlot, post:3071, topic:86189, full:true”]
/vote light


Damn my quote got missed up

/Vote Derps