SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Whether you are scum or town you have definitely dug yourself into a hole

I’m on break

That’s NAI for anyone, even me.

Yup. I do that every single time I get on. Replying as I get caught up. It’s my style.

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so which one is it
to keep your identity a secret or to get another use of your ability (when its very clearly a waste of merchant’s time if you were town, you’d want them to give something more useful to someone else)

you’re clearly flailing here but i admire you’re trying to make it look like you’re composed

I’m aware of that. I regret doing that RT now.

To get another use of my ability and it isn’t a waste of time. I’m pretty much a cop check now which is pretty useful.

Thanks. I’m anything but composed right now and you’re right. I am flailing because I know how stupid some towns on here can be. There’s a very real chance that scum can convince some idiot towns that I’m scum right now after all.

i’m not saying fighting makes you more or less likely to be scum, just that i respect it

why would you need more than 3 uses when the game is probably going to be over by then

the town can probably do much more effective things with the merchant than giving you an extra check

I know and I hope you’ve realized by now that I’m obviously not scum here.

Hmmm, I didn’t think of that actually. Sell something to someone else then.

That’s not my decision to make, that’s up to my Kyoudai.

It is your decision to make what you read me as.

What the heck is a Hyundai anyway?

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I think we should get rid of cheeki today and investigatives on Leafia tonight

I’ve learned not to let my legacy be manipulated after I die :slightly_smiling_face: I believe we will lynch scum today and I believe my kyoudai will lynch scum tomorrow.


leafia derpcleared locktown