SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!


whatever show the proof

You expressed that you thought me and light were w/w yet you still followed light and didn’t seem to actually believe his side of the interaction was odd

I like these and I like the previous posts cheeki have made. They’ve got effort behind them and aren’t trying to just ask questions.

I really like this answer as well though? It doesn’t look like wind is trying to avoid the answer and the only sentence I don’t really like is the one where wind is like “arctic pushing isn’t surprising but __” because it’s lolhedgy to me

Idk about this response though especially after the second one.

He said he was didn’t he?


Tbf u can still meme and be serious


Lmao good idea it’s a mess


Theory you mean?

What’s this supposed to mean exactly?

@min do you actually feel pressured right now

Yeah sure…

Just uhh give why you thought that exactly I guess since clearly there’s a reason for coming to the conclusion of W/W and I wanna hear it from you

not anymore lmao

Why not anymore?

exactly why i talked about it

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Also I’m on computer now and oh god I miss being able to insta-quote stuff and proper grammer ahh

I was worried on why people were hopping to me so quickly

now I’m not so worried because the reasoning behind why people hopped on me so quickly is eh in my opinion and I’ve stated why

So you were worried we’d found a good reason to suspect you? What good reason would that be if you’re a villager? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

can i make you more worried
/vote min @Twil1ight

…what? how did you get THAT out of what I said

Is that not directly implied in this post

I said I wasn’t worried because your reasoning was bad and I didn’t believe that I would have to worry about being stupidly wagoned because nobody else believed it (because it was bad reasoning)

that’s not what I implied at all

You said ‘anymore’
Which implies you WERE worried previously about that

…I’m obviously going to worry if someone is going to believe someone and get town killed because of reasoning that doesn’t make sense ???

and not to mention scum latching onto it as well