SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Can you look at it from Nov for one second? We need to clear people of being wolves and by lynching Shuran, we do just that. Trust me here Marl. You won’t be disappointed. This is why I was so against you being chief. Because you get stupid ideas in your hea DC and refuse to listen to reason. Shurian flipping wolf will at least mostly clear me of being a wolf and with how strong my role is, if I’m cleared of being a wolf, the village can’t lose. Listen to common sense for once Marl. Deep down inside, you know that I’m right.

Leafia there is a non zero chance you are town but if you are you are being WAY too paranoid

*from my pov

if i was in your shoes and i somehow scumslipped (as either alignment) i’d 100% just accept a lynch on someone who i think is a wolf

You’re not being paranoid enough. Shurian is the right lynch. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. If we lynch Shurian, we clear not one but two villagers of being a wolf and we can get Cheeki tomorrow. There’s no way my idea is a bad one.

Okay Leafia
Shurian flips town
what then?

I’m 100% certain that Shurian is a wolf while only 85% certain Cheeki is a wolf.

How are you 100% sure on shurian but only 85% on the red check

@Shurian where are you

He won’t flip town and if he does, then you know I’m a wolf with Cheeki. What happens if Cheeki flips town though? You’ll only know that YBW is a wolf and won’t have cleared me. Shurian scumslipped big time too.

Because Shurian scumslipped and I don’t know if I can trust YBW yet.

He could be w/w with Shurian and trying to save him for all I know.

That’s why I want to check him tonight.

you know what

/vote Shurian @Twil1ight

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If we get Shurian first and I check YBW, we’ll know whether we can trust him or not.

this is stupid lol

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leafia why do you think shurian flipping scum clears you
literally this entire day you’ve just been confirming my thoughts that you and shurian are w/w

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I live for the stupid

If Shurian flips town i’ll send Leafia to the shadow realm :slightly_smiling_face: