SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Finally, you’re listening to reason. You won’t regret this Marl. Thank you. You’re a good chief after all.

they are both scum anyway

Correct, so we get Shurian first then Cheeki.


We lynch whoever my Kyodai says to lynch tomorrow. Absolutely no exceptions.

@Cheeki Vote for Shurian :slightly_smiling_face:

Vote for Shurian and keep it there or i’ll Veto Shurian so you are the only option today

Because Marl said we couldn’t be w/w if I recall but I will admit that I can see why you’d think the possibility of me being w/w with Shurian exists if you ignore my D1 and focus on my obvious RT and think it was an obvious scumslip. Even you have to admit that Shurian flipping a makes me look better though.

If my kyodai says they want cheeki today no matter what, i’ll also veto shurian for today

*flipping w

i believe in my kyodai

Believe in me and win.

i was talking about you and shurian lmao


I’ve been scumreading Leafia since D1 based on tone, but hell yeah I’m for the plan that doesn’t take the person who I personally as of today know is 100% scum (YBW) at his word.
/Vote Shurian @Twil1ight

don’t frankly care who it comes from, since the reasoning’s there

also buy arctic’s 3 gold item no matter what every night but don’t make him king
we repay him and let him win but we don’t throw the game by giving him two votes

Then you’re not correct. Starting g to think that you’re scumsiding too.

i’m me siding and me siding means helping town because of how scumsided this setup is

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@Arctic is this acceptable