SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

well hey
since it’s already counted
/vote Cheeki @Twil1ight

I just fixed it REEEE


If I was scum, don’t you think I’d tell my scummates what I was claiming and my claimed night actions first so that they could tell me if they look good or not? If I was scum, I would’ve and they would’ve pointed out to me that rumor can’t be used N1.

cheeki lynch isn’t as good as leafia lynch in my eyes but

Shurian lynch is best. Then Cheeki and then Eli.

no. i don’t think you would

shurian isn’t the best lynch
you are
but cheeki is a close second i suppose

I’d vote too but I don’t want to make it L-1 I’m pretty sure so my ghost vote is there


Eli is literally openwolfing here and you know it. Look at my D1 and compare it to Shortnight. Go on, do it. They match almost perfectly.

Vote :slightly_smiling_face:

everyone has checked in and has had time to thunderdome arctic
we can end the day

You okay with it?


Okay bet
/vote cheeki @Twil1ight

Pretty sure Marl is voting for Shurian now.

no i revoted cheeki

i was baiting for reactions and cheeki jumped way to eagerly at shurian

Wrong person. We’re lynching Shurian today.

THAT is a reaction test :^)

@Cheeki you are at L-1