SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

then when Marl pointed out it doesn’t heal bleeds, Shuri said “eww wtf I wasted my night action”

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I would misunderstand that too so I don’t really see as a scumslip, more as a wrong assumption

They could still be scum but that isn’t a scumslip alone, yknow

I agree with this lol
but the slip was caught by Marl as I remember… there were a couple of us in the thread, Leafia and Seth also called it a scumslip when they saw it, and I wasn’t really sure

I’m talking about the Shuri scumslip or whatever it’s called.

yeah honestly I misunderstood it when I skimmed through the class cards, but idk how easy it is to make that mistake when it’s on your own class card. My class card is not Handyman lol.

yeah that’s what I was referring to as well, I’m pretty sure it was Marl who called them out on it.

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anyway be back in a bit

Thats a fair point, idk exactly how I feel about it

Still want leafia dead way more than shuri however

I don’t think it was caused by that.

I remembered it being Shuri not answering Seth’s question.

/vote YBW


should I vote myself and ATE? :flushed:


/vote YoubutWorse

Guys, I get mislynched LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING game I play. I’ve literally never been mafia. The one time I find mafia you guys still sus me? Unbelievable.

alright what now?

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You die

Also I don’t drag the rt much further than needed and move on

have we considered lynching leafia

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why is this funny :thinking:

wait no I was joking dont do it

aye that was me