SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Min is BC or Guild IMO

he can only charge up to 3 bruh

Great chance BC

i can’t charge more than 3 coins
plus no one would ever spend more than 3 coins since it instantly outs them

They can’t charge 4 coins.

Min is definitely not BC, did you not listen to anything I said about Min yesterday lol

Then who’s BC?

Min can only be Thief or Villager

Shurian can still be BC
it’s not like we know that they’re exactly Schemer.

wind i think you’re interpreting min saying to make you king incorrectly
you weren’t going to get king over marl for instance so it’s more likely to be a TMI from BC trying to get towncred by saying to king you

eh, I think if I’d stepped I might actually have been able to get king if I were running against Marl.

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CC Mark. Lol

there is no ‘stepping’


You definitely would’ve been made king over him.

if I’d announced that I wanted to be king, I mean

And trust Seth Arctic. He has more ex ppl experience with my meta than anyone else in the game.

I’ve played with Leafia via Discord Mafia on my own server and brought them into this community


The only other one that knows their meta as well as I do is PKR.

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I’d have to be the best wolf player in the world to convince Seth that I’m town when I’m scum, wouldn’t you say Seth?