SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Lynching Shuri boring

I don’t want your exploding Box!
Give it to Derps!
He’ll take one for the team!

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I want the exploding box!

I don’t think I have coins

I don’t understand coins

they aren’t outed, they haven’t openwolfed and we don’t know they’re exactly schemer.
you pushing Shurian just because “scumslip” which was absolutely not the most obvious scumslip (less scummy than your RT if I’m being honest) really looks like either an agenda push or extremely tunnelled town, neither of which are good.


It’s definitely a possibility. GTH, I’d say the scumteam is Derps, Shurian, and Eli with Derps being the drug dealer and Shurian being the schemer. No idea what Eli could be though.


who do we yeet?

a player who literally didn’t how their own role works and says it’s an RT eventho it was supposed to be a greencheck or a player who was greenchecked and is getting yeeted for being that one specific role that isn’t even guaranteed.

I think i may check Eli tonight, its possible theyre scum

/vote Lefia @Twil1ight

we can discuss it tonight but you should WIFOM between Eli, Derps and Light imo


Don’t check me I’m obv town

Please please please don’t check me

Alright go ahead hehehe.

yeah it’s funny, isn’t it?

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It wasn’t less scummy at all and how is literally claiming something that’s impossible by saying that he healed Marl’s bleed not an obvious scumslip? They haven’t even answered any questions! If I’m wrong, why haven’t they even tried defending themselves? Literally everything points towards them being schemer here.

@YoubutWorse check derps

Please don’t



@YoubutWorse Check him harder.


everyone has coins

Shurian specifically said they used First Aid on Marl.
Yes, they misunderstood what it did, but they didn’t say they healed him.

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