SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

shurian doesn’t use the occupy n2 and if he does he would have outed it IMMEDIATELY when he checked in and saw no night kill
and yet we also didn’t get a class type


If shurian doesnt respond with what they did, we kill them, k?

i pressed him early and without warning tbf
any wolf could fuck up under those circumstances

I still feel like it’s a bit of a stretch

shurian is letting himself be bussed by leafia
wake up people lmao

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Or you could check me to finally clear me of being scum after Shurian flips schemer.

I’m staying on Leafia

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if shurian flips anything other than the mm clone or a villager we know YBW is outed though

oh, did I actually miss that?

yeah that’s basically what I’m leaning toward

definitely a possibility (sorry Leafia) so Shurian flipping scum doesn’t clear Leafia, as I said way earlier.

could yeah

He would only do that if he was a wolf though, so what’s your point?

the thing is, yesterday you said Shurian flips exactly counterfeiter and that was obviously wrong. So what’s to say Shurian will flip exactly schemer?

hey marl, before u go to bed i asked u a question in the mason chat, can you respond to it?

@Arctic Stam potion to YBW tonight for 3g
and then i dont care what else you sell us on the following night, we’ll buy it for 3 to pay you back for your honor

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We’ll know if Shurian flips schemer tonight though so if and when he does, you can check me tonight.

you just said Shurian would only do that if they were a wolf, but you didn’t say it would only happen if you were a wolf

no you’re not BD and you’re also PoE :^)
my only partner is windy

there are non0 worlds you bus cheeki yesterday

That’s because it would happen regardless of whether or not I was a wolf.