SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

well, first off, smuggler and drug dealer are the only two roles other than the dead counterfeiter that can perform a factional kill that is NOT occ immune, so I could be wrong but I would assume if Thieves had an occ immune killer they’d have used them to kill as we had a lot of occer claims and no healer claims yesterday.

clearly it wasn’t the forbidden book that was given. I’m guessing the first item they’d give would be the super stamina potion tbh. Cursed Relic is a bit of a gambit seeing as people thought the game would be close to over by now, and considering the only cop claim we had claimed to use his cop charges on N1 and N2 (before claiming constable), I don’t think they would have thought the cursed relic was that useful.

No computer rn my mom let me use her macbook to play mc and that’s it



imagine smuggler in ToL
just gives all the wolves forbidden books on N1

tbf I would go Super Stamina Potion on Schemer if there is one and then either Cursed Relic on myself or Forbidden Book when you are getting bussed.

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I think he’s asleep lol

Yeah, he probably is.

makes sense

3 shot strongman way too strong

I agree. It does.

the 4-shot bleeder/poisoner is also way too OP

marl can’t come to the phone right now please leave your message after the beep




im a sheep


yeah but theres no point in giving more charges to bleed/poison

oh yeah I know, I was just commenting on it lol

Hello? Think it’s time to reveal that you’re the Ice Dragon Avatar and that Wind is the Adventurer and Wind converted me D2?



Scum, there’s some Wifom for you. Mwahahaha!

mom said it’s my turn to wifom BD conversion


They’d never believe it coming from you.