SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Maybe I’m Huntsman

No but In all honesty, I didn’t know Huntsman exist.
It’s legit a 1-Shot Vigi.
If you that role, shoot Gorta.

I think I’d convert into Court Wizard

Where you at!?!?
Been 3 Days!

Ugh, doesn’t matter just shoot Gorta tonight.

When Shurian flips Schemer, you’ll realize you’ve been scum siding.

Drug Dealer is confirmed to exist via Marlu.
Schemer exists Via Me unless Mugger occupied me or Burglar made attack.

Gorta claimed An Occ Role so he might be Mugger but it doesn’t mean he Occupied me.


isn’t it obvious?

Cool, don’t screw it up when I flip town

the Civil Administrator can’t occupy you

kay shurian has had a full 24 hours to check in with many pings

Post or perish :slightly_smiling_face:

Gorta the Civil Administrator
D1: nothing
N1: tree’d
D2: Surveillance Leafia (at 10:29 AM)
N2: Close Inspect Leafia (people should be able to determine the reasoning from my posts yesterday)

@Marluxion did you catch my softs? did you see my reasoning on Leafia?

I can see the ppl possibility of Gorta being Guild, but I’m not sold on it yet. I think it’s more likely to be Derps myself. I will say this though. I’ll be shocked if Derps/Gorta is t/t.

Mostly to me though.

What’s your result for N2?

Can I have your logs plz.

I didn’t get a result, I don’t think anyone visited Leafia
