SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Target Derps with your ability

Use it on Derps

So you refuse to admit and man up you would be wrong?


Like if Shurian flips scum, you’d be wrong

Wait. So no one actually occupied me?

Why not.
Contribute or Post your Scum Rolecard in public and get Mod Killed.

Assuming your scum

My logs don’t achieve anything too lazy

Also what did you claim again?

Civil admin

Ok well Gorta has actually done stuff

Claimed it like 5 min into D1

Who claimed they occupied me again?

What have you done as civil admin?


Iv already claimed 90% of my actions :man_shrugging:t2:

Well that’s wrong anyway because I’m bc lol

No, you didn’t get visited by anyone from what I can tell

Who else though? I know one other person claimed it.