SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

No i see worlds where you are town
I also see worlds where you are scum and wind and i both die and min + arctic refuse to lynch you


So? That doesn’t mean a thing. Ever heard of coincedences?

Sorry seth not derps
carry on

no such thing pal

Marl is Merc he’s trying to prevent me

Then why are you calling me practically confirmed scum and wanting to lynch me so bad?

Oh but there is such a thing. They happen all the time in life.

the way this game is atm I only have one thing to say


I’m not going anywhere because I’m not getting lynched. Don’t worry. I’ll lead town to victory once you’re dead.

Not necessarily and you know it. You’re refusing to listen to basic logic right now.

who is scum if not in that list then

Anyways, play nice


It could be for example Derps or AtNoname.

I refuse to listen to the basic logic of “Leafia and Shurian are always T/W”
because it’s just untrue

derps cleared himself by arguing semantics about feedback and AtN was extremely genuine with his claim

AtN is next in line if that poe fails

like i said so long as that line gets us two scum we aren’t in lylo even at the end of that line

we have like two more lynches after that before we lose

It’s extremely likely though and I think deep down you know it. Tell me, what advantage do I have in pushing Shurian as a wolf buddy of his here? Why wouldn’t I just let town go on thinking that he’s town so that we straight up win.