SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

@Twil1ight Need a VC now.

@Marluxion I need you to be honest here. What’s the actual vote count look like right now?

Because if I just got hammered, you just lost a guard that could’ve literally saved you.

And made the worst possible play that could’ve been made.

me gorta on you
you windy on shurian

that’s all i know for certain

I checked back and I think I’m at L-1 now so can you please listen to reason here? If I’m a wolf, you’ll know for 100% certain tomorrow when YBW checks me so just change your vote to Shurian now. We have two guards to protect you, me and Night, so you’re not dying tonight no matter what happens. All I ask is a day to confirm to you that I’m town by YBW,s check. You have literally nothing to lose here.

@Marluxion With how you’ve been towards me yesterday and lately today, I think you owe me at least that much.

I’ve done nothing but approach this game logically

You aren’t approaching it logically at all right now. Logic is listening to me.

there is only one person who can get me to move my vote and it isnt you, i’m sorry

Whether I end this game as a Genius MVP or a village idiot, i don’t care. I’m determined to win either way.

Even Wind thinks I’m town and will tell you the same thing that I’m telling you. Besides, we don’t want a hammer happening and if I was scum, I would’ve hammered already by now because I 'd know that I’m doomed here.

We both know this isn’t the case.

You fighting for your life isn’t AI.

We both know it is the case.

If I’m scum, I get lynched tomorrow when YBW redchecks me so you have nothing to lose by getting Shurian first. You even said we could get him today if we got Cheeki first.

You and I both know the schemer has made it so YBW doesn’t get feedback tonight.

They can’t do so. Can they?

uh huh

Also, the schemer always uses advanced planning to kill you here and if YBW doesn’t get feedback, just treat it as a redcheck for all I care. All I’m asking is a chance to prove 100% that I’m town.