SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

@Nightingale the tl;dr is that
Leafia is fighting for her life while almost assuredly scum.

Shurian is accepting death. This is the only logical outcome i can find

I don’t have vig and even if i did it’d go into eli if leafia flipped town

I don’t believe that for a second. Now ppl lease just vote Shurian. It’s the right thing to do and you know it. Don’t overthink things. Just live.

i’m not going to fuck the merchant who saved my life and this game

alternatively you could shoot the bureaucrat since min is on leafia’s wagon so i’m fine with this

/vote leafia @Twil1ight

/vote Leafia @Twil1ight

I’m not scum here and you know it. Shurian is accepting death because he is scum you dingbat! We’ve already been through this!

i’m still giving health potion to YBW right?

I read 10 posts of shurians iso and thought “yeah, this could be a wolf”
I read 40 more posts and didn’t feel like they were any better :joy_cat:

if ybw is wolf I will commit 1-shot mafia bodydouble

You’re literally going to lose here. Don’t do this to me. I don’t deserve this. At least have some decency. @WindwardAway I need you more than ever before now.

Gorta is fine too. So is ATN. Any of the 3, give a 3 gold health pot.

You are going to lose the game for the town though if you keep this up.

@Arctic don’t risk gorta tree-ing actually. Give to YBW or ATN.

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VC :two: :five:

Funfact: 5 x 5 = 25

You may wonder why i’m doing this, well 5 happen to be one of my favourite numbers. :upside_down_face:

Accused Voters Count
Leafia EliThePsycho, ATNoName, an_gorta_pratai, min, ArcticXI 5/8
Shurian ChopChop, SirDerpsAlot, Leafia, Nightingale 4/8

@YoubutWorse @ATNoName buy the three gold item from arctic and use the health pot immediately in case you are bleeding.

do it night

fun fact
4! + 4/4 = 24

hey it’s shurian

If I was scum here, I’d literally hammer myself right now but I won’t because I’m not scum.