SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

yeah Arctic, it was just a Big Funny™
worked out as a nice unintentional RT though

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would’ve been a much bigger mess if we’d tried to convert a villager and it didn’t work lol

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god damn it i didn’t actually want to claim merchant

RIP you
but it worked out, you’re gonna win anyway

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idk seth could just not buy an item for literally no reason

sell it to ATN then

I house arrested ATN so he is extremely unlikely to be scum and also wont spite not buy for no reason

@ATNoName buy whatever Arctic sells you for 3 gold o7

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yep, ATN couldn’t have performed the factional kill and since Shurian has to be schemer, ATN is cleared.

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this would be much easier if i was king and could veto the lynch on all the scum until i win :pensive:

haha just kidding


well, if you haven’t left the game by tomorrow we’ll know you didn’t win as merchant lol


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Hi, Apprentice here, I used the Magic Ward on Nightingale so that the evils couldnt roleblock her



bruh moment


either way game should be ~Lock

I’m okay with dying 4 the Cause or whatever, think my action sealed it

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yeah it’s pretty much over

what did you do n1 and n2

dude cmon can we at least pretend im BD for another day I wanted to fake a red check

did someone med revive leafia?

N1 light targetted Cheeki with magical ward

N2 i cant do anything