SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

mountainous hydra let’s go


@discobot remind me to like this post in 6 hours

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Don’t sass me just do it

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bruh I have 12 h before I get my likes back

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The mods are plotting to steal our likes

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To be fair you did crumble under a 2 vote reaction test :^)

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I didn’t crumbl

you went and outed as BC and it was literally just Marl and me voting you lol

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You crambled

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You were in poe before that but high in mine and windy’s reads

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Windy had the brilliant idea to give you some pressure to see what happened lol

You never got lynched over leafia or Shurian there :stuck_out_tongue:

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lol I said “let’s vote min with no context and see what the reaction is”

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Honestly the best moment of this game

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I died laughing when it worked

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the next best moment was Gorta saying he was Leafia’s worst nightmare and Leafia calling him an idiot :joy_cat:

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Also a GOAT

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no angy

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I didn’t crumble I swear ok I just

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