SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

you angy catted



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I could’ve done much better

But I’ve kinda been awkward and cringe because of what I randed

I don’t really know at all how my role was supposed to work, and I horribly did not think to act like scum and instead I uh

Kinda sat and failed miserably

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/pat pat

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Mission failed, you’ll get em next time

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honestly Bureaucrat is kind of a weird role :sweat_smile: it’s not quite a sellsword since it’s given TMI and the wincon is borked by the looks of it

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it’s more like a two-target executioner who only wins with scum

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*with two ICs as targets lol

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And they have to survive. It’s rough.

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That being said it’s the easiest win in the world if we don’t yeet intensify yesterday lol

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oh yeah, they have to live to see us lose, unlike the Sellsword who can just die at any moment and still win

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yesterday? lol


I’m up late lmao my brain is broken

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RIP Marl’s brain

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you know what else is sad
the fact that scum bled you D1 and set itself up for a scumslip from Shurian not knowing what First Aid did lol

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Ahem, I was the one who started the case on Leafia

I pushed out Cheeki, pushed out Leafia, and today we are pushing out Shurian. I am not a wolf

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oh yeah, that reminds me.

/vote Shurian @Twil1ight


I liked every post that I hadn’t read just to flex on wind and marl

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get TL3 or get out smh

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