SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!


can we do an occult ritual to summon leafia back in the game


either way marl when you see this can you tell me why derps/gorta are out of PoE

i’ve read a good ol 0 of their posts so I don’t exactly get it

I wish we had a med claim, I want leafia back just for her to meme and do nothing else
(and also subtly save last evil)




Me when


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Game over?
Did Mafia concede?
Leafia saying Oooooo.

yeah man I gave up marl was too handsome and swole for me so I knew I could never take him on in a fortnite 1v1

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Leafia’s ghost xD

I was trying to scroll up to quote gortas post about Leafia but I can’t find it lol

He was the one who got mech info on Leafia being scum because he used his day ability to throw her out of the scum chat and then about half an hour after, Leafia came into the thread and said she had just realized there was a town role that throws scum out of the scumchat

@min out of curiosity, did you take a night action?

VC :two: :seven:

Accused Voters Count
Shurian ATNoName, WindwardAway 2/7

/vote Shurian @Twil1ight

Let’s get this show on the road.

/vote Shurian @Twil1ight

Let’s send the lad to the abyss and wrap this up
