SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

yeah this is true, since mugger has unlimited occ’s, but less likely as you guys said

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@SirDerpsAlot who have you voyeur’d and what results did you get?



aight cool, carry on

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Glad we can come to an understanding



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VC :two: :eight:

Accused Voters Count
Shurian ATNoName, WindwardAway, Marluxion :older_man:, Shurian, SirDerpsAlot 6/7
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@ATNoName @Marshal buy the 3 coin offer or i will hate you forever since exploding box isn’t possible on the n4 rotation

/vote shurian @Twil1ight

boom bye schemurian



Wow, that was surely fun and interactive day am i right? :upside_down_face:

Accused Voters Count
Shurian ATNoName, WindwardAway, Marluxion :older_man:, Shurian, SirDerpsAlot, ArcticXI 7/7

@Shurian was executed!

They were…


Schemer :shield: :star:

Thieves Guild Special
“You’re the criminal mastermind that serves as brains in your group.”
Working In The Shadows (Passive) - Unless you’re the last alive member of the Thieves Guild, you cannot perform a factional kill. Corrupt Chief doesn’t count towards last alive member of the Thieves guild.
Clever Organizer (Passive) - While you’re alive, your teammates can perform a normal action alongside with factional kill.
Polite Yet Two-Faced (Passive) - You appear as Villager for investigators.
Obstruct (Day) - Select a player. Until next day, they will receive no feedback if any and disables all day abilities used on target. - 2 uses
Advanced Planning (Day) - Select a teammate. Their actions would be guaranteed to succeed the following night. - 2 uses
Defeat the Villagers and the Blue Dragon.

Night 4 has begun. You know the rules and so do i.

Note: If you want the day start faster, type in PM /skip or /no action.

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Journal Entry #7 - Elusive Band

“There isn’t much known about the group that appeared while back even after looking around Village’s Library. According to some people i talked as i thought they may know something, the strangers went straight up to Village Chief after arrival and didn’t talk much with other Villagers unless it was task related.”

"Certain official said they were “rude and disrespectful and should not be trusted by any means.” However i’m not sure if he didn’t had personal grudge when i was told that.

“One of the merchants refered to them as “humble and generous” each time when they were doing buisiness. Some people may say, the merchants would say anything as long as you payed them well but i believed their testimony by the end.”

“Whoever they are, if they do have some kind of bigger goal other than the quest, i have yet to see it.”


Journal Entry #8 - The Shadow Fades

“It’s been a month since the start of the incident, a lot of things happened since the last time i wrote.”

“More importantly, the tensions are finally starting to calming down but it will take a while for the damage to heal. Some of us lost their friends, family members and even private properties. I don’t think any of us expected how deep the criminal syndicate was nested within our Village.”

“The good news is maybe finally, we will back to our peaceful lives like it was in the old days.”


Hello once more! Time to start, are you excited!? But first:

@an_gorta_pratai was found dead last night!

They were…


Civil Administrator :speech_balloon:

Village Social
"You are a capable person who is exceeding in managing the domestic affairs of the Village.
Surveillance (Day) - Select a player. If they are a member of the Thieves Guild, they will be excluded from their chat until the next day and they will get a message: “You’re being watched!”. - 2 uses
Close Inspection (Night) - Select a player and determine if any and which of these things happens to them tonight. - 2 uses

  • They were successfully Investigated.
  • They were successfully Occupied.
  • Their target was successfully swapped.

Defeat the Thieves Guild.

We couldn’t find @Arctic anywhere, it appear they left the Village while noone was looking. This is the last message they left:



They were…


Merchant :shield: :wrench:

Neutral Support
"You’re a tradesman that is associated with certain small company. You pay no heed toward the conflict that is accuring, you only care if there is a profit.
Hello, I Like Money! (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Every player starts up with certain amount of gold coins:

  • Villagers: 3 gold coins
  • Blue Dragon and Neutrals: 4 gold coins
  • Thieves Guild: 5 gold coins

After accomplishing your goal, you leave the Village.
Short Tempered (Passive) - If at least 2 players refuse to buy anything from you, the next player will be occupied bypassing any immunities for the next 2 nights and you get all gold coins they have.
Foul Transaction (Night) - Select a player. You can send an offer that contains 3 products with a price settled by you (From 1 to 3 gold coins). They won’t know the name of those products until they purchase. The items will be restocked every 2 nights. - Infinite uses
List of goods:

  • Healing Potion: Heal yourself from bleed and poison.
  • Smoke Bomb: Choose a player. Every visitor will receive no feedback from their abilities.
  • Stamina Potion: Give one of your abilities an 1 extra use.
  • Bear Trap: Your first visitor will be occupied and start bleeding. They will die after 2 nights unless healed.
  • Gem Of Lethargy: After being purchased, the client’s next action will fail.
  • Explosive Box: After being purchased, next night the client will die.

Get at least 12 gold coins during a game.

Day 5 has begun! Majority is 5.


Let’s go, town! Time to take out the last wolf so we can go back to having a peaceful village :slight_smile:

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NAI Host Ping:



this one goes out to you, honkman


is ATNoName PoE

