SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Sees Leafia flips scum.
Yep this game isn’t going to be good for scum.

after two perfect cop checks and a couple of scumslips, the game was locked in town’s favor lol


I guess this game shows that town on FoL needs mech to win games.
No wonder why mountainous games aren’t popular here.

yeah, mech solving made some of the slots a LOT clearer to solve. and to think this was role madness which is the exact opposite of mountainous :sweat_smile: that being said, practicing reading is probably something everyone could benefit from for the precise reason that town here kinda sucks at doing it without mech info.

For Town to win, they cannot be braindead 24/7. The mech info is useless if the person don’t know how to use it on their advantage.

Indeed and we see the opposite result in Shortnight 2 and Wild West FM.

I got to practice being town tunnelling town in Shortnight 2!
which was honestly not a good thing to practice lmao

Good thing I didn’t sub into the first replacement.
I’d probably have told scum how much they sucked this game after it’s over.

I was trying to frame you as scum

But no one backread my ISO so none of my anti-spew worked

the problem is mainly that they didnt read class cards before fakeclaiming :sweat_smile: could’ve gone very differently if Shurian and Leafia hadn’t messed up their claims.

You destroyed my WiM you jerk

It not my fault.
You townread me first

Because you went fucky wucky and antispewed sixty posts in

Marl did and I re-skimmed it at some point
but we weren’t sure what to conclude about Light so Marl jailed Light N2 and we didn’t out it till after everyone else had given their info which basically outed Leafia instead.

at least I figured out Intensify went into antispew really early as soon as he started getting sussed and wagoned, but I didn’t realize that until after he got yeeted

Why would I keep spewing teammate lol if I knew I was gonna die.

Also I accidently thought Pug was scum for like half of day 1 for some reason

lol oops

Poggers I didn’t use an ability N2 :^)

Which would have ensured people would fear having me as scum after tearing them apart for their play in the main thread.