SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

A little bit of column A, a lotta bit of column B :wink:

something something ideal town core
something something peak performance

fol townplay has peaked
it only goes downhill from here


wolves were so scared of you they specifically iced you instead of killing you via attacking me

Leafia wa good tonally which sort of threw my off guard meta-wise
also I’m bad at making mech calls because I just play every game similarly to mountainous
except when I have haha funny role in which case I do funny stuff

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Would Wild West FM/Shortnight 2 be the bottom of FoL townplay?

I decline comment

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That’s what happens when I’m scum ngl :3

it’s what happens when two wolves scumslip because they didn’t read the classcards and another is policy killed D1 because of the setup


@an_gorta_pratai good shit this game btw
people harp on you every time you tree so i figure i should encourage the good play when it happens
this game you actually netted yourself a night kill, props


I’m going to assume Shortnight 2/Wild West were the worst town games on FoL.
Short Fuse 3 as well except cough cough.

Never mind it’s Short Fuse 5.
Geez I got it wrong LUL.

bumping this

votes will be tallied in ~4 hours

in all seriousness though
why can i not count toward town award

You’re not town smh

i’m not scum either but i can still be voted for scum award :thinking:

neuts always have the option to be voted as scum team player and never town team player here
kinda sad but eh

oh i didn’t know that
good to know
now i will wolfside every time i rand neut

yeah I remember this was a discussion in Countries FM too when Kyo was SK lol

in sfol64 efol 4 we let wazza be voted for town

i didn’t read this game and didn’t really realize that arctic probably should have been put under town until it was too late

i want to change the entire system for neutrals anyway

cause it’s kinda… not at all set in stone