SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

how am I bc

I wouldn’t say so, although I said the BC would probably be asking for conversions
but I don’t think Wazza is BC here at all

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So you think he’s a thief?

no I honestly think she’s just town lol

Absolutely not

Theif wouldn’t ask for conversion


I was asking Wind.

That’s a possibility. A townie with a dumb idea.


Sorry weeee

I think she’s very likely town and Cheeki is very opportunistic for voting her

How is it a dumb idea?

Sorry I want a confirmed double voter.

(Please, Wind, if you mis-pronoun me, it’s fine, you don’t have to go around correcting it, but I appreciate it <3)

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Yeah, that was pretty opportunistic at that. /vote Cheeki @Twil1ight

fuck, I just misgendered Wazza in a whole bunch of posts, I’m sorry :frowning:

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Heyo whoever Bd is just don’t convert Wazza and literally convert someone lose who you think is Town trust me it’ll be worth your time

Because it’s only confirmed to three people. Not to the whole town.

wind/leafia gives me towny vibes

bd convert those guys if you don’t wanna convert wazza

And…? I mean, I’ll confirm myself as Town. So you all would just have to believe me.

can merchant be converted I forgot

That and Bc can stop Bds from converting if they know who will be converted.