SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

this role is busted

Do you seriously believe scum would even want you dead if you’re BD? I do see your point though.

Yes the bd all living to tomorrow is important for town
if scum kill me to prevent me from becoming BD that’s fine

you thought i was scum in shortnite too :pensive:

With your track record, scum probably want you to become BD so you can kill 2 townies and BD will leave. Or have you forgotten how bad your reads were last game?

@Aelin i’m gonna give the BD no choice but to convert me and make me king

Anyone who wants you king is literally popenwolfing.

you can keep shit talking me but i’m not bad at reading people

i’m going to give them no choice
tomorrow is mass claim day

Shortnight 2 says otherwise.

scum have one weakness
they have very few viable fake claims
we can box in the entire scumteam

I immediately recognized min as not being town this game, didn’t i?

and i was wrong on ONE read which caused my worldbuilding to be wrong
Day 1 reads does not a player make

also you have no room to talk after shortnite either :slightly_smiling_face:

Actually, by the end of the day, you were decently obvious town

I pity the fool who thinks that you need more voting power.

coughs in ‘you are bad at reading people’

And… so did I. And you did so after me, so it’s more like you sheeped my read.

Touche and you thought Min was scum, but I see your point.

btw if the merchant doesn’t thunderdome min today, we’re accepting that min is town and any other attempts to claim merchant are scum fake claiming

to be fair
I said this in Shortnight and got proven the fuck wrong lmao

you also have no room to talk after shortnite

i’m actually a decent player believe it or not
anyone who’s played with me for long enough knows that

Don’t I, though?