SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

But wolves can lurk and bleed without posting

that doesn’t make sense
/vote WindwardAway @Twil1ight


What doesn’t make sense?

we are voting intensify stop being a weirdo



These don’t line up whatsoever

I need to catch up on the thread I guess, and mobile is being poop so I’ll get on my computer now lol

Yeah, it did look strategic, so I think Light might actually be town here if Pug did the bleed.

Why would intensify want min to visit me, though?

Did I misword something?

I said if Marl is actually bleeding, he’s town. If Light is a wolf, he knows Marl is actually bleeding, so what does he get out of saying that Marl isn’t bleeding? Other than discouraging healers from going to Marl, it doesn’t accomplish much because most people won’t vote out a bleeding claim.

My point to Leafia is that reading Marl and light as T/W only works if you assume Marl is lying about bleeding and is therefore a wolf.

Less confusing might be to just say I think Light is actually town from this interaction

Pug is frozen :slightly_smiling_face:

she was just here posting and as soon as i sussed her she vanished

Favorited that video honestly.

She’s still here, probably catching up

yeah I’m sorry for doing that. I’m just trying to figure out what to say.
That’s why I vanished.

I… guess I can see it? It really doesn’t make sense though.
/unvote @Twil1ight

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I see. That does paint Pug in a bad light.

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@Pug at least look me in the eyes when you take my life