SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Because blue dragon and village aren’t the same faction

yeah but BD and village have the same wincon, which is to defeat the Thieves. So if the BC needs to see BD lose, BC needs to see Thieves win, which means village also loses.

BD doesn’t lose if it dies, is what I’m saying, it only loses if Thieves win.

I’m pretty sure both of bd dying = losing

oh ok yeah, this is the one thing that’s different. If BD kills 2 villagers but villagers still manage to win, BC can win with village.

Because bc would literally second to impossible to win as if…that was the case

well merchant looks impossible to win right now so honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if BC’s wincon is borked

This game is so broken

for a lot of reasons, yes lmao

also I’m pretty sure if BD kills 2 villagers the game is literally over

It’s either extremely scumsided or extremely townsided lol

i chose a bad time to play mafia

nah it’s just extremely scumsided unless the rands were actually useful
which would be like… Thieves get a counterfeiter and village has one slightly less menacing threat

we all did

the thing is that the only two classes who could’ve bled Marl are a ridiculously OP strongman scum, or the Houndmaster, and I don’t see the Houndmaster bleeding Marl in that situation ever.

I mean your right

I guess a better word to say is this game is hella anti-neut sided

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I think BC still has a good chance of winning tbh
if the game is scumsided it works in BC’s favor if BC sides with scum

Fair tbh

which they will, because either BD has to kill two villagers (antitown) or Thieves have to win (scum wincon)

basically the BC just has to either shade the BD enough to yeet them during the day, or egg them on to shoot a villager at night.