SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Wagoning merchant poggies

No more hugbox for you

Either you are merchant or you aren’t merchant

I am

F to doubt

Yes I know I got that wrong just ignore it


Fuck it. I’ll out. I am the Merchant. And, no, I can’t just copcheck people by selling to them two nights in a row because they’re not forced to buy.

you’re merchant too? based

Your RT is boring at this point. I’ll give you this one chance to actually claim, and if I actually believe it, I’ll unvote you.

Why do I have to claim what

Because I think you’re scum. And I will push as hard as I want to to get you out, becuase I need this game to go on as long as possible so I can win.

This game is making me sad

/vote light

Me too, man. Neuts trying harder than town are.

Again, me claiming merchant as scum makes literally no sense


You’re not known for the most logical plays :^)

Anyway, claim.

I don’t wanna be here anymore


I’m not going to claim to you because you personally believe I’m scum especially considering you’re a neutral

Yes, I fakeclaimed, but if I willingly fakeclaimed as scum then…I wouldn’t of done that knowing I’d be cced and killed immediately when there’s literally an open game

You can’t just say “you’re bad so you’d totally do that”

God that was the quickest an RT ever worked