SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Are u tunneling town again

VC :keycap_ten: :candle:

Accused Voters Count
Intensify Wazza, ArticXI, Pug, ChopChop, ATNoName, Marluxion 6/9
Wazza Cheeki 1/9
Pug Intensify :older_man:, Leafia 3/9
ATNoName Light 1/9

Notice! :exclamation:

Approximately 4 hours left until EoD.

i’m making the mechanically best play

I am not convinced that VC looks like the best play.

/vote Shurian @Twil1ight


kill shurian xdddd

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Next thing u know we have BD screaming at someone the next day because they failed their convert


ngl wind that post looks like you just came from wolfchat with someone telling you to do it
why did you vote shurian

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because I think Shurian has looked wolfy the whole day so far?
I mean I could be wrong, but I don’t think they’ve really contributed anything to the thread and their readlist looked pretty weh imo.

They find me scummy every game
It’s a thing by now

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actually, it’s because I’m not convinced Intensify is EK here because as far as I can tell, he hasn’t TMI’d even though he would know who the scumteam is in that case. He’s not really doing anything to defend himself, either??

But since the scumteam wouldn’t know whether Intensify is GK or EK anyway, the wagonomics are fairly useless imo. Scum wouldn’t want a potential EK out, but they could be looking for an opportunistic vote to save their drug dealer from getting voted out, and I personally would prefer we try to hit the drug dealer.

I still cant take anything seriously
I need to be off for a bit

i don’t think you mentioned this before so excuse me for asking

why is this AI

I’m also perfectly fine with yeeting Pug instead but it’s kind of awkward to yeet a replacement slot (which shouldn’t have been mentioned but too late now).

I did here:

because having a huge informational advantage by knowing your team would probably lead to not wanting to get yeeted? Unless you think it means he’s sacrificing himself to save his team and hope one of them gets elected, but I feel like if he fights to keep his position as Chief and successfully avoids being yeeted, the scumteam is nearly guaranteed a win, so why throw that opportunity away?

idk I mean I thought earlier in the day that yeeting Intensify would be a good move regardless, but after Marl got bled I kind of changed my mind and decided to scumhunt more.

Arent those referring to different ppl

Also I have my suspicions but I think I want to wait and see. But one of my current thoughts are

The chief thing is just one big dice roll. I’m not a fan of it tbh.

What are the two lone voters doing tho? Shud I be reading into those?

I already have a hunch on the lone voters but I want to wait until D2 to see if I’m right.

you’re basically “being a wolf means you don’t want to get yeeted” which for obvious reasons isn’t a valid statement

however i will admit having high wim in this setup is probably more wolf AI because of how scumsided it is

though it wouldn’t surprise me if intensify picked up on this and is trying to use it

yes but being a wolf with double voting power and night ability who is aware of 4 teammates is kind of useful for scum, isn’t it? why throw away that opportunity?