SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!


King me

No way. Not in a million years.


My role poopoo

I’m adventurer and I’m becoming BD king
Go back to your hut peasant

Idk what that means

My role is


Go into the toilet then


I don’t want too

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I like this post tbh tbh

Why don’t you like

Why would we king adventurer

Their like


Pretend you’re vt

I’ll solve on my own time

Don’t tell me what to do

You’re dead center in everyone’s poe
You aren’t becoming king

because its a guaranteed good king
Adventurer is probably the worst out of bd classes

I’ll admit I haven’t really read any of the classes

as the only protective who can stop all thief kill types I should be kinged obviously

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Oh no, he’s below in mind.
He’s a “we yeeting? Ok sounds good!”.

Once my day convert is gone it’s ideal to become king yeah

Dead center of the box = prime scum