SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Brb 10 min driving home

Your 50/50

Shurian is def PoE though


So is Cheeki, right at the very bottom.


Leaf is not in PoE
Ia is in POE


What do you think of their D2 thread entry

Cheeki’s D2 entry? It reeked of shading and scumminess.

tangentially related but I’m not sure that shading is actually >rand wolf :joy_cat:

Still reeks of scumminess though. He defended his bad decision despite it obviously being wrong and even though he went against what the best move for town was. What kind of villager does that?

I personally feel that Intensity’s wagon has at least a good chance of being pure.

Pot, meet kettle

What are you talking about?

Don’t worry about it

hes saying you’re the same (pot and kettle being the same)

smh ybw

Marl where you go

shurian/ybw/cheeki/eli scum team outted thank me later

i hope none of those people are wolves