SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Do you believe Intensify was the most obvious town?

We’re on a scumsided setup and theres not really real reason to yeet the Chief unless you believe in the above.

I hadn’t read a single post of his

Lynching someone because haha rng is


I think Leafia did

Like father like son

Did what?

Your Intensify TR

AT is 100% town

You copped them?

No they’re transparent as a sheet

I thought he was town until almost the very end of the day when he started pushing on Pug.

Even if RNG was dumb, the risk of letting a potential corrupted chief go overweigh that.

Marl you’re back good

You sure?
Or are they smaller then a Hydra?

I’m in bed good night

Nah still think that’s stupid

How can you be so certain?

100% town I will ride or die on this read

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